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How to Set Up and Use Digital Signage with Applauz TV

Digital Signage is available as part of the features included in the EXPERIENCE PRO program pricing.

Setting Up

  1. Enable Applauz TV Permission:

    • The EXPERIENCE PRO program includes the “Display Applauz TV” (“Diffuser Applauz TV” in French) permission.
    • Any account with a role that has this permission can access Applauz TV.
  2. Create a Dedicated Employee and Role:

    • Reason: Allows administrators to curate posts for TV viewing and keeps the permission separate from general users.
    • Steps:
      • Create a dedicated employee account.
      • Create a new role with the “Display Applauz TV” permission.
      • Assign this role to the new employee account.

Logging In

  1. Navigate to Applauz TV:

  2. QR Code Login:

    • If not logged in, a QR code will be displayed.
    • Scan the QR code with another device and log in using your email and password. Applauz TV will launch automatically upon successful login.image-20231031-185534
  3. Manual Login:

    • Alternatively, go to the web address shown on the TV on another device.
    • Enter the code displayed on the TV and log in. Applauz TV will launch automatically upon successful login.

How Post Contents Are Shown


    • Applauz TV works in cycles of up to 20 posts, showing one post at a time with a variable duration depending on the size of the contents of the post.

    • If there is a pinned post, it will always appear at the beginning.

    • Once all 20 posts are shown, the cycle will restart.

    • New activity during a cycle, including new posts, will be included once the cycle restarts, not during.

    • If a post is deleted during a cycle, it will force the cycle to restart.

TV Screen Requirements:

    • Designed for TVs with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
    • Works on “full HD” (1080p) TVs, 4K TVs, or any other resolution.


Each post will be shown for a variable duration, depending on the amount of words. The duration of how long text is shown is based on the average reader’s “word per minute” (WPM) reading speed. If a post has a lot of text, it will be broken up into up to three slides, with 54 words per slide. If the content is still longer, Applauz TV will invite the viewer to read the rest by providing a QR code which opens the post on their device.

In some cases, the text in a slide may overflow vertically (i.e., if there are a lot of paragraphs). In this case, the text will scroll vertically.


If the post has awards for the recipient(s) of a recognition, a goal post, or a celebration, the points and/or badges are shown at the bottom-left in the footer of the post.

Comments and Reactions:

The number of reactions and comments are shown at the bottom-right of the footer of the post (or full-width at the bottom if the post does not have any awards). The number of reactions are updated live.


If the post has a poll, all of the poll options are shown including the percentage each option has received (if revealed), followed by a QR code to invite the user to answer the poll if the poll is still open.

Images and GIFs:

Images and GIFs are shown one at a time. Videos are not shown on Applauz TV.

File Attachments:

File information is displayed with a QR code for download.

Showing Different Posts on Different TVs

The posts included in a cycle on Applauz TV depend on the permissions of the employee logged in on the TV. Therefore, we recommend creating a dedicated employee account specifically for Applauz TV. By doing so, you can define the permissions for that employee to curate and limit the posts that appear on Applauz TV.

  1. Create a Dedicated Employee Account:

    • Set up a new employee account specifically for Applauz TV.
  2. Create a Dedicated Role:

    • Create a new role dedicated to Applauz TV.
  3. Enable Applauz TV Permission:

    • Turn on the “Display Applauz TV” (“Diffuser Applauz TV” in French) permission in that role.
  4. Assign the Role:

    • Assign the new role to the dedicated Applauz TV employee account.
  5. Configure Additional Permissions:

    • Set other permissions in the new Applauz TV role to determine which posts get shown on TV:
      • See all Newsfeed Posts
      • View Recognition
      • View goals menu (Note: This permission also enables goal achievement posts on the Newsfeed)

If you want to show different posts on different TVs, you can create additional employee accounts with different permission configurations. This can be useful for displaying posts for specific departments. For example, you may choose to show posts only from a specific department on a TV in that department's office or cafeteria.

Logging Out

To log out, on the computer connected to the TV, the user should move the mouse to reveal an overlay with a button to exit the TV mode, which will redirect the user to the normal Applauz. The user can then proceed to log out like they normally would by revealing the context menu in the sidebar and selecting “Log out.”