Applauz's mission is to make work a happier place. We know that recognition and appreciation make work a better place for all employees.
However, we also know that HR teams are a little happier when their administrative work is at a minimum.
That’s why Applauz is built with the happiness of administrators in mind as well.
As such, Applauz lets you automate many features to minimize the amount of administrative work on your plate. Applying the automations below will help make managing your recognition program that much easier.
We hope that you find these tips helpful in getting your program up and running!
6 Tips to Help Automate Your Applauz Program for Easy Management
Run Automatic Pulse Surveys
Applauz Pulse Surveys is a tool that helps you run automatic employee surveys. The survey questions are grouped into themes so that employees will be anonymously surveyed each week on the most critical areas of the employee experience. Some themes include their satisfaction with "Leadership" and with "Wellness & Balance."
Most importantly, Pulse Surveys are administrator-friendly. All you have to do to run Pulse Surveys is turn the feature on. Just set it and forget it. Learn how by accessing the help file on how to use Pulse Surveys.
When a new survey is released on Mondays, your employees will receive an email notifying them. They will be provided with a link to log into Applauz and respond to the five-question survey. You can also set up Pulse Survey incentives, this means Points will be automatically awarded to employees for filling out their weekly survey.
As your employees respond to their weekly surveys, Applauz will automatically collect all the data and analyze the findings for you. Simply access your Applauz Reports to see the results!
Use Auto Points to reward employees for important events
You and your company managers no longer have to worry about forgetting birthdays or work anniversaries. Using Applauz, administrators can automatically celebrate significant life events for their employees.
For example, when automatic celebrations are turned on, the system will proactively post an anniversary and birthday celebration post to the Newsfeed. Also, if auto Points are configured, Applauz Points will be automatically deposited into the employee’s Points bank.
Check out the instructions file on celebrating employee birthdays and work anniversaries to see how Applauz can help administrators with automatic Points.
Use automatic Points purchases to refill your company bank
Applauz Points are the currency of recognition. They have real-world value, so giving and receiving them feels really good! It ultimately creates more meaning for both the giver and receiver. That's why we highly recommend you use Applauz Points to strengthen your recognition program.
That said, Applauz Points can easily be purchased by administrators on a one-time basis. However, suppose you plan on using Points for your program on an ongoing basis. In that case, the task of manually purchasing Points can become tedious.
By setting up automatic Points purchases, administrators no longer have to manually figure out how many Points they should buy each month. With automatic Points purchases, your company's Point bank will be automatically refilled each month with the Points value you choose. Don't worry; you can cancel or modify your Points purchases at any time.
Use Recognition Allowances to automatically distribute Points to managers
Once the Applauz administrator has purchased Points, they distribute them among their company managers (or all employees). These Points will get deposited into employees’ “recognition allowance” wallets. Subsequently, these Points can be used to give meaningful recognition to their employees or peers.
That said, Recognition Allowances can be automated so that your managers (or any employee you choose) will receive an automatic refill of Points every month. For administrators, this automation is an excellent way to save time. Once again, if you select automatic Point allowances, you can cancel or modify them at any time.
Use Applauz Reports to understand the performance of your program
Once your Applauz program is up and running, HR has completed the majority of the heavy lifting. When the program has started, your company employees all have an essential role in supporting it. In other words: participation is critical to the success of your program.
As such, you want to do everything in your power to ensure your company's employees are using the platform as much as possible. Thanks to Applauz reports, administrators can quickly assess the health of their Applauz program. There's no manual data analysis or anything complicated involved.
The software analyzes usage automatically and gives clear, concise reports to administrators, who can then relay that information to decision-makers. With this data, you can determine if your Applauz investment is generating the greatest return.
Use Integrations to sync employee info automatically
Suppose you already use specific HR tools like ADP or BambooHR. In that case, Applauz integrations allow you to sync all your employee information automatically. This way, you won’t have to enter or modify any employee information in Applauz manually. Any changes made on BambooHR, for example, will be automatically reflected on Applauz.
In addition, if your company uses Slack as a chat tool, you can download the Applauz Slack app. The Applauz Slack app will allow you to stay connected with Applauz without ever having to leave Slack. You can create a notification channel on Slack, where all your Applauz Newsfeed Posts will pop up.
Everything You Need to Know
With Applauz, administrators' lives are made easier through several key features. Hopefully, this article has demonstrated how Applauz can assist administrators in running more effective recognition and engagement programs.
Please reach out to our support team or your dedicated account manager if you have any questions regarding the implementation of these tips or how to maximize the effectiveness of your program.
About the author
Michelle Cadieux
Michelle is a content writer for Applauz. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Concordia University, and she has been writing about work and employee happiness for over five years.