Applauz Blog

Employee Recognition Letter Samples for the Perfect Celebration

Published: June 18, 2020

Last Updated: February 7, 2024

  2 min read

By: Applauz

Here are a few employee recognition letter templates, perfect for expressing your appreciation for occasions like work anniversaries and other events.

Sending a letter is an easy and cost-effective way to express gratitude to your employees.

In the digital age, we often forget that writing a letter is even an option! That’s what makes receiving a written letter all the more personal and special — precisely because it’s so uncommon.

Why offer a written letter to your employees?

Woman reading@2x

The simple answer is: It feels great to be appreciated. The importance of employee recognition is undeniable.

Some managers wrongly assume they need a big budget for gifts and elaborate celebrations to reward and recognize their employees.

The reality is making people feel heard and appreciated is simple: It’s all about consistency.

It’s the little things that, when done repeatedly, add up over time to make the biggest impact. And a thoughtful handwritten letter is probably one of the kindest and most genuine ways to express gratitude.

That said, there are several reasons why a letter would be an appropriate way to communicate recognition and appreciation. For example:

  • An employee’s official work anniversary
  • Completing an important professional accomplishment
  • Acknowledgement of dedication and commitment

graphic of envelopesHere are a few examples of letters that you can send to your employees for these occasions.

Remember: Employee recognition is most impactful when it’s personal and tailored to your employee's unique skills and talents. So be sure to add your voice and personal touch to the template with an anecdote or inside joke.

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Recognition letter template for an employee work anniversary

Dear [employee name]

I can’t believe how fast time flies!

It seems like just yesterday; you arrived on our team. We can’t express how happy and appreciative we are of what you bring to our team. Without a doubt, your skills and talents have been one of the driving forces of our overall success.

This X year anniversary is an important milestone. It is also a special occasion for our organization since it is a testimony of your loyalty to [company name].

Real dedication and loyalty are rare. And we cannot express our gratitude to you enough for your many years of service.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our mission, vision and company values


[Manager name]

Recognition letter template for an important accomplishment

Dear [employee name]

I wanted to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your effort and dedication to this important assignment for [optional: client name].

We knew from the start you were the right person for the job, and we are genuinely blown away by the results.

To say you overpassed our expectation is an understatement. Our entire team and I are grateful for your incredible work ethic and dedication. Not only that, but for your unique talent, mindset, and attitude.

Teammates like you are a rare find; we feel honoured to have you on board.


[Manager name]

Recognition letter template for dedication and commitment

Dear [employee name]

I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your dedication and involvement to our team. We have noticed your incredible work ethic and attitude over the past few months, and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you.

Despite the challenges and obstacles our team has encountered, you've faced each one with professionalism and a positive attitude that has resounded throughout our organization and lifted everyone's spirits.

Teammates like you are rare, and we feel honoured to have you on board.


[Manager name]

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Final Thoughts: Quick tips for better employee recognition

There are a few key points to keep in mind when writing your employee appreciation messages.

  • Make it specific: Don't only celebrate the completion of the goal, but highlight the process the employee took to get there. People want to feel special. What did they do differently than everyone else?
  • Stand behind your words: Words of recognition are important. But words are ultimately empty if they aren't backed by action. Show your employees you care. This means taking your employee's feedback and frustrations seriously (if and when) they come up. Actively build a better work environment for your team.
  • Recognize character: When someone sees you and understands you as a person, it's a great feeling. Make sure to highlight what is unique and special about them. These include an excellent attitude, sense of humour, or an ability to think critically.

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