Employee Engagement is an initiative that will increase your front line employee productivity and the amount of effort given to their jobs and responsibilities, but furthermore, it also helps engage both your managerial levels & your C-level employees.
In order to set up a good Engagement campaign in your business all your employees must be on-board with the idea or else you will never get your engagement initiative off the ground. Moreover, you need every employee to be engaged in order to properly facilitate a well oiled, and profitable business.
How Applauz facilitates every employee from entry level positions to CEO’s and Owners via the full range of analytics and capabilities that this Employee Engagement SaaS platform offers:
How Applauz Helps Owners Get Engaged:
- Owners are kept aware of their overall organizations engagement levels via a full gamut of analytics seen here
- See the engagement levels of each individual employee
- Purchase points for your entire business
- Fill managerial Points Wallets to reward employees
- Award points yourself to employees
- Can set up auto-points to keep your company points account full
- Create an environment of open communication through the News Feed
- Can activate the Pulse Survey to continuously use scientifically backed studies to guide your business decisions
How Applauz Helps Employees Get Engaged:
- The News Feed allows:
- Peer-to-Peer recognition
- Manager-to-employee recognition
- Owner-to-manager & to employee recognition
- The Rewards Marketplace
- Allow for employees to receive tangible rewards
- Find out why tangible rewards are best here
- Offers over 3500 gifts from more than 300 of the world’s most known brands
- Pulse Surveys for your Business’ Pulse
- Allows employees to voice their concerns anonymously and safely
- Are scientifically based questions to give businesses proper analytics of their workforce
- Employee Polls
- Allows employees to organize and ask questions of each other to organize events, or keep them engaged with one another
- The News Feed Chat-like ability
- Employees can comment and encourage each other via comments, using gifs, images, emojis, etc.
How Applauz Helps Managers Get Engaged:
- Managers can review their team analytics and Engagement levels on Applauz’ report page
- Managers can award badges and points to Employees to garner better engagement
- Recognition can be given to all employees for giving discretionary effort
- Places the responsibility of employee care and engagement directly in the hands of managers
- Gives Managers the ability to learn about their employees, their needs, and wants
Just like that with this one Employee Engagement program you can initiate, maintain, and maximize all your employee engagement initiatives and ensure your employees are always giving their best effort in your business with Applauz.