Montreal, Quebec March 28, 2019 – KLF Group was nominated for an award from Les Mercuriades through its subsidiary Applauz Recognition. Les Mercuriades is the most prestigious business awards contest in Quebec.

This year, Les Mercuriades has recognized KLF Group’s Applauz Recognition in its “Most Progressive Technology, for Web or Mobile Use Improving Business Processes, Technology, or Products in Quebec”. Awards given out by Les Mercuriades are the most prestigious of business recognitions in Quebec, and being nominated so early in Applauz’ lifespan is no small feat; only in its 1st year, Applauz has already been nominated for 3 awards, won 2, and is now a finalist for an industry award backed by the Quebec Chamber of Commerce.
Receiving these industry accolades so early on in its inception is evidence of the value and importance of Applauz’ offering. In today’s modern workforce, leaders must foster an environment which supports positive employee engagement, recognises its best talent, and rewards them for their valuable efforts. Applauz helps businesses improve their overall corporate culture. This recognition demonstrates not only how much this kind of technology is needed, moreover it offers proof that Applauz Recognition is the best in its class of software.
Francois Fortier, the company’s founder and visionary states, “'The idea that Applauz, would receive such a prestigious award is extremely humbling. When we set out to help small and medium-sized companies be great at rewarding, recognizing, and retaining their employees, we had no idea just how much of an impact our software would have on creating amazing work cultures. Today, we are proud to say that hundreds of SMB in Canada share this award with us!”
Applauz is now a multiple-award winning application receiving industry awards from HRD and CV Magazine in 2018.
Company Summary:
Applauz Recognition helps SMBs engage, recognize, and reward employees with its free platform. With Applauz Recognition, you can ensure 100% of your employee engagement budget is invested in your employees and not software. If you are like the thousands of companies who struggle to attract and retain quality employees, signup to today and start building an amazing work culture!