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7 of Our Most Popular Articles on Employee Recognition

Michelle Cadieux


Michelle Cadieux



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4 minutes

All of our most popular and helpful articles about recognition in one place!

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Employee Recognition

Employee recognition is, of course, our specialty at Applauz. 

As such, it's one of the topics we write about most. Several of our most popular blog posts are about recognition in the workplace.

All that to say, we have learned a lot about recognition in the workplace. But most importantly, what it takes to build a thriving culture of recognition.

That said, we wanted to put all of our most popular and helpful articles about recognition in one place. 

These articles are aimed at helping both HR professionals and managers.

For starters, this list can be helpful to any leaders or organizations looking to implement an official recognition program as we discuss different strategies and frameworks for scaling recognition within an organization.

Or, if you are a manager, you may find these articles helpful to learn best practices about recognition or if you're looking to become better at giving effective recognition in general.

Either way, if recognition and appreciation are something you would like to promote within your team or business, this article is a great place to start.


31 Employee Appreciation and Recognition Message Examples

When companies launch a recognition program, managers first want to know, "what should my recognition message sound like?" We wrote this article to help people answer this question. This list offers brief templates and examples of recognition messages you can use on Applauz or anytime you want to give someone recognition at work. One tip: Be sure to personalize your message, though. Recognition is always more impactful when it's specific and personal.


9 Things You Should Do to Write a Meaningful Work Anniversary Letter

It seems like people have a hard time coming up with what to say for a work anniversary letter, as this is one of our most popular articles on recognition. Writing an anniversary letter is easy with a little guidance and inspiration. In this article, we offer some key things to remember to include in your letter and how you can make it extra special and personal, so the letter feels meaningful to and impactful to your employee.

10-reasons-to-give-employees-recognition10 Reasons to Give Employees Recognition (Other Than to Say Good Job)

One of the most common questions we get asked is: What actions warrant recognition from a manager. Of course, highlighting outstanding performance or great results is a given. But what about other reasons to give recognition. So we created an entire article all about that topic. It seemed like many others had the same concern, as this article quickly rose to the top of the ranks. It covers the different reasons a manager can give recognition, like "embodying company values" and "taking initiative and sharing ideas." You can apply these ideas whether your company uses Applauz or not!

Managers-guide-to-giving-recognition-1400x8167 Proven Tips for Managers to Give Better Recognition in the Workplace

According to recent research, 83% of senior leaders say their organization does not offer managers or leaders best practices training for employee recognition. We are not surprised then that this article offering tips and best practices for recognition is one of our most popular articles. Suppose you or your managers are new to giving recognition in the context of a recognition program. In that case, this article will be a great place to start.

A-Step-By-Step-Guide-to-Plan-an-Employee-Recognition-and-Rewards-StrategyHow to Plan a Rewards and Recognition Strategy

Although most HR professionals and even leaders understand the importance of recognition in the workplace, rich cultures of appreciation don’t happen by accident. In short, the concept of recognition may seem "touchy-feely" at first. But you won't be able to scale these practices without a clear strategy or plan. Leaders must take clear steps to ensure everyone (and every team) is participating in recognition. In this article, we help you zoom out and build your plan so that your business can scale a recognition program.

blog_academy_Powerful-employee-recognition_fimage3 Easy Steps to Give Powerful Employee Recognition

One of the most common questions we get from managers is, "what should my recognition message say." This is why we put together this guide to help managers and employees understand what a powerful recognition message sounds like. This guide offers a simple framework for understanding how to give impactful recognition every time.

blog_academy_17-Types-of-recognition_fimageTypes Of Employee Recognition: It's Not as Difficult as You Think

When you think of recognition, you probably think about plaques, trophies, or gift cards. The reality is that recognition can take many forms. When an employee says "they don't feel recognized," it can mean anything from wanting more monetary recognition or maybe a desire for more spontaneous verbal recognition from their direct manager. This article was created to help HR people and leaders understand the different types of recognition in the workplace. And how this knowledge is foundational to creating a culture where employees feel valued and appreciated.

4-Recognition-Pitfalls-Managers-Should-Be-Aware-Of-(and-How-to-Avoid-Them)4 Recognition Pitfalls Managers Should Be Aware Of (and How to Avoid Them)

When it comes to recognition, managers often push back by saying, “It will be inconsistent.” or “I am afraid of showing favoritism.” To avoid any negative sentiments, they might fall into some traps, such as focusing too much on giving one type of recognition like group praise or being generic in their praise. In short, in a misguided effort to avoid negative feelings, managers produce the very thing they are trying to avoid. This article highlights some of those bad recognition habits that managers tend to fall for and how they can easily be avoided. 

About the author

Michelle Cadieux Michelle Cadieux

Michelle is a content writer for Applauz. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Concordia University, and she has been writing about work and employee happiness for over five years.