Congrats! You’ve worked hard to get your recognition program up and running.
As an administrator of your Applauz program, it’s vital to get the people involved familiarized with the platform.
To maximize the value of the program, you’ll want to make sure everyone in your company is on the same page.
Best Practices for Your Program Announcement
An important first step is to make sure all your teams are aware of the new program. If no one knows about the program, people will not log in and use it. It's as simple as that.
As such, a thoughtful and impactful announcement is absolutely critical to the launch of your program.
First, we recommend you draft two separate announcement emails:
- One email for employees.
- One email for managers.
But a simple announcement email isn't enough. Email announcements must go beyond the basics to be effective and maximize adoption.
How? It is crucial to be very specific about the next steps you want your employees to take. For example, the template below announces the program. But more importantly, it lists four concrete, and simple actions employees must take to get started with the program.
Remember: A new tool is a bit intimidating. No matter how user-friendly. As such, it's critical to give people concrete next steps.
Lastly, depending on your business's size, you might also choose to make an in-person announcement. For example, if your company hosts a weekly town hall meeting. This in-person announcement will reinforce the initial email announcement.
That said, we've come up with a welcome message template to help guide you through the big announcement to your organization.
Feel free to modify or edit the template to better reflect your company's voice and values.
Recognition Program Announcement Template for Managers
We are excited to let you know that we have officially rolled out a rewards and recognition program at [insert company name]!
The goal of this initiative is to show our employees that they are valued and make them feel genuinely appreciated. Managers such as yourself are instrumental in initiating recognition and maximizing the program's importance.
The program will be a dedicated space for managers to continuously offer support and encouragement to their teams with public recognition [and Points (if points are applicable to your program)].
To kick-start the program, once you receive your email invitation from Applauz on [insert launch date], please take a few minutes to complete the following steps:
- Log in to the platform: Open the “Welcome to Applauz” invitation in your inbox. Click on the “Get Started” button, and log into Applauz with the temporary password given.
- Upload a profile picture: Navigate to your profile picture in the top right, click on My Profile>Edit Preferences. Hover over the profile photo circle and click on it to upload your profile picture.
- Bookmark the platform on your browser: While logged in, save the current URL to your browser’s bookmark bar for quick access.
- Write your 1st recognition message OR say hello on the Newsfeed: Navigate to the Newsfeed (homepage of the platform) and select a peer you want to recognize or write a simple Newsfeed post to say hello!
In the meantime, we encourage you to get familiar with the platform and its features. Visit the Applauz Help Center and blog for inspiration and information.
Recognition Program Announcement Template for Employees
We are excited to let you know that we have officially rolled out a rewards and recognition program at [insert company name]!
This is a Peer-to-Peer recognition program. That means all employees are encouraged to express appreciation to their peers, manager, or anyone you feel deserves recognition!
The platform will also allow your managers to express public recognition [and give Points (if points are applicable to your program)] for your work accomplishments. The goal is to support a company-wide culture of gratitude and recognition.
To kick-start the program, once you receive your email invitation from Applauz on [insert launch date], please take a few minutes to complete the following steps:
- Log in to the platform: Open the “Welcome to Applauz” invitation in your inbox. Click on the “Get Started” button, and log into Applauz with the temporary password given.
- Upload a profile picture: Navigate to your profile picture in the top right, click on My Profile>Edit Preferences. Hover over the profile photo circle and click on it to upload your profile picture.
- Bookmark the platform on your browser: While logged in, save the current URL to your browser’s bookmark bar for quick access.
- Write your 1st recognition message OR say hello on the Newsfeed: Navigate to the Newsfeed (homepage of the platform) and select a peer you want to recognize or write a simple Newsfeed post to say hello!
In the meantime, we encourage you to get familiar with Applauz and its features. Visit the Applauz Help Center and blog for inspiration and information.
Newsfeed "welcome post" for everyone
The Applauz Newsfeed is the first thing your employees and managers will see when they log in for the first time.
Don't forget to add some personality to your Newsfeed post with an image, GIF, or even a video!
Ideally, you want to welcome your program participants with a positive and encouraging message. Here are a few ideas!
Welcome to our Employee Recognition program! This is where you will be offering public recognition to your colleagues and team members. Happy recognizing!
Welcome to Applauz Recognition, our very own recognition program. Let’s start building a culture of appreciation. You can offer recognition to any of your colleagues or peers by posting on the Newsfeed. Happy recognizing!
Welcome to Applauz! We are excited to roll out this recognition program. To get started, make sure to add a picture to your profile. You can begin to offer Peer-to-Peer recognition on the Newsfeed right away.
Welcome to your employee recognition program! We are excited to have you on board. The program will allow you to receive and give recognition to your peers for their work. Get started by uploading a picture to your profile, and send a message of recognition to someone who deserves it!
Welcome to the Applauz Newsfeed! This is where you’ll be offering Peer-to-Peer recognition to your colleagues, and receiving it as well. Happy recognizing!